R. Lee Valens

CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)

Ship Stor Ltd.

ShipStor Ltd. is a North American full service logistics provider serving the transport and warehouse storage needs of manufacturers across Canada, the US and Mexico. Their inability to efficiently monitor and track logistics and supply chain management, had ShipStor reaching out to AnswerPoint for a solution, that met their consumer’s expectations around convenience, flexibility and speed.

Answer Eye was up to the challenge of monitoring and tracking transportation routes, vehicle tracking, and delivery schedules to ensure efficient logistics and supply chain management, while also proving invaluable at monitoring warehouse operations, inventory levels, and order fulfillment processes.

ShipStor hired R. Lee Valens as their new CMO, to oversee the organization’s marketing strategies and activities while focusing on creating marketing plans, managing the brand, and understanding market trends. R. Lee Valens realized pretty quickly that they needed to identify earlier in the process, those new technologies, such as autonomous vehicles and drone deliveries, that could assist in addressing their customers’ pain points.

With Answer Eye technology, ShipStor recognized that organizations thrive when they have the software, technology and expertise to drive operational greatness and deliver on their brand promise. That realization became the key point in their marketing strategy, allowing them to stand out from the competition.

“Our goal is to build on this strong foundation to scale and expand our position in this dynamic, competitive market. I look forward to working with the AnswerPoint team to bring our customers the best possible tools to run their supply chains”.